Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Sunday, February 05, 2006
Friday, January 27, 2006
'Straya 'Straya we love you, amen. (part 2)

Ahhh ozi day, and the english said we dont have a culture....
Visited the annual Golden Bone dog race. Outside the Cricketers at 3pm, we closed off Fritzroy St and sent the dog owners up the road to the Hoptoun, then following a fat and very ugly streaker carying an 'Strayen flag behind him, they were off.
Have no idea who won.
God it was good.
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
Bethnal Green

The Bethnal Green tube station has a brilliant clock. You cant avoid the underground "brand" here. It resonates so bloody well. I cant even think what the sydney transport logo is.
Its kind of geeky but heres some background on the underground maps.
some stuff about the logo.
and good ol wikipedia, its got it all...
Tuesday, December 20, 2005
Hassled By The Man

So im taking photos, of the mist in Victoria Park. its 4 in the afternoon, not exactly weirdo hanging out in the park time, and its already dark and cold. As im taking these pictures some old ladies walk past. They yell out "dont you take any pictures of me!", I retort with, "dont flatter yourself."
On I go taking pictures of Mist and trees with an absolute absence of human forms, the camera not even pointing at the people passing along the path, but clearly pointing at the trees behind me and i hear 2 horses come up from behind.
"excuse me"
I look up from my camera view finder and see 2 cops, on horses addressing me.
"ah, weve been told that your taking pictures of old ladies in the park"
"you serious?"
Quality English journalism

and you think australian news papers are bad?.
link to some very dedicated guy whos been documenting evening standard headlines.
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
Friday, December 02, 2005
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
Monday, November 28, 2005
Sunday, November 20, 2005
Sunday, November 13, 2005
Friday, November 11, 2005
'straya 'straya, we love you, amen.
In a further effort to maintain my integrity with the amount of posts on what is abstractly called a 'daily online journal', and In the spirit of boing boing, and previous 'electronic posts' of my own, ive compiled another cut and paste pastiche of musings that the ironic wit amongst you should find particularly scintillating.
I discovered these, what some would call, gems over breakfast, browsing the 'world wide web'. An attempt in trying to remain up to date with important issues of the day as they occur in the antipodes. These stand out news bites from 'strya inform me of how my fellow country men are being portrayed and makes me bloody prouder than i ever been.
"I thought it was a load of ferals and I was going to give a mouthful to them," Mr Dick told the court.
He went inside to make a cup of tea and smoke a cigarette, and saw the couple sitting at an inside table.
"She looked pretty alright, a bit of long hair, neat and tidy," he said.
"She had this fellow with her, short cropped hair, like Italian, Greek or something. You can pick they are foreigners."
"... I didn't perve on her that hard."
"Ecstasy only causes fun, so from our [medical] point of view it is different," Dr Thong said.
Australians average when it comes to sex.
And this patronising prose from the pages of The Chap, enlightens an antipodean to the position they hold in society from the view of an englishman. All the more reason to rid ourselves of the affliction of the monarchy. It may be satire but the sentiments are prevelent througout my encounters with the english.
I recently returned from a protracted trip to the Antipodes or, to be more precise, Australia. I was most impressed with their progress. They now enjoy electricity, proper plumbing, not to mention petrol driven motor-cars (they are sensible enough to drive on the LEFT of the road, incidentally), and even radio! I was amused by their constant referring to me as a 'Pom', and decided to do some research as to the origin of this charming native slang. I was given various explanations, including a couple which I will not deign to honour with inclusion, but tend to come down on the side of the suggestion that it comes from the final syllable of that little phrase of lyric that any English chap worth his salt can effortlessly and efficiently apply to any good tune. That is...'Tiddly Om Pom Pom'. I haven't got to the bottom of the other words that they used to refer to me, such as 'Dag' and 'Complete Galah', but I'm sure that, sooner or later, the explanation will be forthcoming. All in all, therefore, despite one or two other crude habits which one would expect in a Colonial in terms of drinking habits and use of local dialect, I was most impressed with this far flung part of the Empire. I thoroughly approve of the encouragement that we give them by occasionally letting them win at cricket and wholeheartedly support the view (even if it seems a trifle revolutionary one) that they could well be able to govern themselves within a few decades. So impressed, indeed, was I, that I have now decided to visit South Africa. Now that the war there is long settled and the Boers thoroughly routed, I leave today and hope to experience similar progress in Cape Town.
Earl Okin of Portobello
I discovered these, what some would call, gems over breakfast, browsing the 'world wide web'. An attempt in trying to remain up to date with important issues of the day as they occur in the antipodes. These stand out news bites from 'strya inform me of how my fellow country men are being portrayed and makes me bloody prouder than i ever been.
"I thought it was a load of ferals and I was going to give a mouthful to them," Mr Dick told the court.
He went inside to make a cup of tea and smoke a cigarette, and saw the couple sitting at an inside table.
"She looked pretty alright, a bit of long hair, neat and tidy," he said.
"She had this fellow with her, short cropped hair, like Italian, Greek or something. You can pick they are foreigners."
"... I didn't perve on her that hard."
"Ecstasy only causes fun, so from our [medical] point of view it is different," Dr Thong said.
Australians average when it comes to sex.
And this patronising prose from the pages of The Chap, enlightens an antipodean to the position they hold in society from the view of an englishman. All the more reason to rid ourselves of the affliction of the monarchy. It may be satire but the sentiments are prevelent througout my encounters with the english.
I recently returned from a protracted trip to the Antipodes or, to be more precise, Australia. I was most impressed with their progress. They now enjoy electricity, proper plumbing, not to mention petrol driven motor-cars (they are sensible enough to drive on the LEFT of the road, incidentally), and even radio! I was amused by their constant referring to me as a 'Pom', and decided to do some research as to the origin of this charming native slang. I was given various explanations, including a couple which I will not deign to honour with inclusion, but tend to come down on the side of the suggestion that it comes from the final syllable of that little phrase of lyric that any English chap worth his salt can effortlessly and efficiently apply to any good tune. That is...'Tiddly Om Pom Pom'. I haven't got to the bottom of the other words that they used to refer to me, such as 'Dag' and 'Complete Galah', but I'm sure that, sooner or later, the explanation will be forthcoming. All in all, therefore, despite one or two other crude habits which one would expect in a Colonial in terms of drinking habits and use of local dialect, I was most impressed with this far flung part of the Empire. I thoroughly approve of the encouragement that we give them by occasionally letting them win at cricket and wholeheartedly support the view (even if it seems a trifle revolutionary one) that they could well be able to govern themselves within a few decades. So impressed, indeed, was I, that I have now decided to visit South Africa. Now that the war there is long settled and the Boers thoroughly routed, I leave today and hope to experience similar progress in Cape Town.
Earl Okin of Portobello
shushi highway

my photo a day, is slowly becoming, photo a week.
apathy, distraction and tiredness is leading me from my chosen path. its ok, im gettin back on it.
This is last nights dinner.
The first Japanese ive had in ages, makes me realise, that yeah, not really unexpectedly, the english really dont know how to cook.
Thank god for Asian food.
Sunday, November 06, 2005
a penny for the guy

better than halloween, guy fawkes night is still reverbarating around london. Last night was awash with explosions close and distant. was the best thing in ages. i cant beleave that some conservative do gooders got fireworks banned in Oz. bloody hell it was fun. The local council put on a disply. "starting of where guy fawkes left of" they burnt the houses of parliment. Thousands of people cheered and then a quite awsome fireworks display. after the inspiration we got home and blew up our back yard....
although, Volcano Head would have been a nice added extra.
Wednesday, November 02, 2005
Monday, October 31, 2005
Sunday, October 30, 2005
Funny Old World - Private Eye Magazine
“Yes, we all know what our town’s name means in English,” Mayor Siegfried Hauppl told reporters in his Austrian village near Salzburg, “but we didn’t give it a second thought until tourists started stealing the road signs. So many signs have been stolen recently that we even had a vote last year on whether to rename the town, but eventually decided to keep it as it is. After all, Fucking has existed for 800 years, and will probably exist for another 800, but only if British tourists stop stealing our Fucking signs.”
“The village probably got its name in the twelfth century, when a Mr Fuck or the Fuck family moved into the area, and the ‘ing’ was added as a word for settlement. We have a butcher called Herr Fuck working here to this day. Residents first found out about the English meaning of the word at the end of World War II, when British and American soldiers were stationed in the area, and at first we didn’t mind the jokes. A lot of tourists come here to pose for photos in front of the signs, and if they spend some money in the area, we’re happy to see them. But we’re fed up with having to replace the signs again and again, because thoughtless people keep ripping them down and taking them home as souvenirs.”
Franz Duernsteiner, an expert on Austrian village names, added that “the residents of Fucking are actually very conservative people. Most of them can speak English, and when someone asks them where they come from, they are often a little ashamed to pronounce the word. Residents of two other Austrian communities, Windpassing and Wank on the Lake, suffer a similar reluctance.” (Cape Argus, 19/8/05. Spotter: Tim Minogue)
“The village probably got its name in the twelfth century, when a Mr Fuck or the Fuck family moved into the area, and the ‘ing’ was added as a word for settlement. We have a butcher called Herr Fuck working here to this day. Residents first found out about the English meaning of the word at the end of World War II, when British and American soldiers were stationed in the area, and at first we didn’t mind the jokes. A lot of tourists come here to pose for photos in front of the signs, and if they spend some money in the area, we’re happy to see them. But we’re fed up with having to replace the signs again and again, because thoughtless people keep ripping them down and taking them home as souvenirs.”
Franz Duernsteiner, an expert on Austrian village names, added that “the residents of Fucking are actually very conservative people. Most of them can speak English, and when someone asks them where they come from, they are often a little ashamed to pronounce the word. Residents of two other Austrian communities, Windpassing and Wank on the Lake, suffer a similar reluctance.” (Cape Argus, 19/8/05. Spotter: Tim Minogue)