man, the kids in this neck of the woods really go for it for trick or treatin. You ask for a trick and they look at you blankly. These two were the first and by far the coolest. Id love to live in a world where C3PO and Batman work side by side fightin the Joker and Dath Vader at the same time....
Err, Gabe you got blog-spammed...
yeah its gone now. People have to do that orrible word verification thing from now on.
i for one like blog spam. they try to sell you the stupidest things and usually have really silly names like Carlos D. Trombone.
once i got blog-spammed about private road construction. the whole post was full of links to a website that offered private road construction and wanted to know i i would like to know more about private road construction.
who the hell would buy private road construction over the internet? it's like trying to sell carpet cleaning over the phone. i really don't get it.
ps. none of those links actually go to websites about private road construction -- i just put them there for effect.
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