Sunday, November 13, 2005

last night


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love the last pic Gabe....... very, you know, people-walking-around-white-stuff

10:24 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

what's going on there anyway? looks like some sort of gigantic sugar cube world.

1:05 pm  
Blogger gabe said...

as someone once said, fullfiling MY duty as arts card carrying wanker. the weird sugar cubes are indeed "ART." The Tate Modern unilever series. Its Rachel Whitread.? She of winning the stupidest art prize competition from the KLF (30 thousand quid and a career) for filling a terrace house full of concrete, then removing the exterior walls to reveal a solid block of concrete with an odd house shaped brick exposed, then winning the turner prize for it (eventually knocked down by the local council cause it was in the way)
Incidentlyt the KLF burnt a million pounds in cash for a tv event. Which then was one of the most UNwatched pieces of tv thus not generating the publicity and revenue they needed to reclaim the million quid.

7:12 pm  

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